NYIIX Remote Peering, Colocation, and VMs
Remote Peering
Our partnership with the New York Internet Exchange (NYIIX) enables you to easily and affordably extend your reach – without having to invest in local infrastructure. Benefits include:
- A single point of contact for tapping into NYIIX
- Lower deployment fees
- Only pay for the bandwidth you need
- Easily upgrade your bandwidth as your business needs grow
- ASN presented at NYIIX as if physically present
- Seamless connection from the remote customer port to the IXP peering LAN
- Bundled transport and connection at the Exchange
- Delivered over Point-to-Point to any global location

Colocation, Bare Metal, and VMs
Whether you need 1u or full racks, we can get you deployed fast with direct access to NYIIX (New York Internet Exchange). Hardware-free options including virtual machines can provide a presence without the hassle of importing and configuring equipment.
Get Direct Access
To deploy high-performance resources with direct access to global internet exchange points, schedule a call with an engineer today.