DNS Automation

Previously, Reverse DNS requests for our customers were checked over and entered manually by our support staff.  In the last few days we’ve made some improvements to RootCP, including automation of DNS requests.  Now, when you request a Reverse DNS update in...


In the last few days, the FreeBSD Release Engineering Team finalized 7.1-RELEASE and it is now available for download.  We are now also offering the option for 7.1-RELEASE on new VPS setups.  It is listed as an option in the signup process (along with 6.3 and 7.0)....

Connectivity Outage

Today there was a major disruption in Internet traffic affecting our network and many other sites in the USA such as Amazon S3, Facebook and more.  It looks like the primary cause of the problem was with the Level(3) Internet backbone. As of 2:45PM EST it seems that...